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Dorado Travel Forum

Distance Calculator > Dorado Travel Forum

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Thanks for stopping by - the rules are simple - be helpful, don't spam and play nice. If you have a Dorado travel related question or answer then we'd love to hear from you! We won't entertain flame wars or anything that's unrelated to the topic at hand. Thanks for your understanding. If you don't find what you need then we like and suggest TripAdvisor :)

  It looks as if no one has asked a question here yet but hey, no worries, if you have a query feel free to ask away. If no one beats us to it, then we'll do our best to give you an answer soon.

  Don't forget this page is for asking questions about Dorado. If your question doesn't relate to this area then please start afresh at the distance calculator homepage.

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Travel Resources
You can book your train tickets for European destinations here using Rail Europe. You might also consider a a European Rail Pass for multiple countries.

We also have a list of individual rail companies in Italy, Spain, France and Britain but are always adding to this list so please let us know if you have a further suggestion.

If you are visiting or live in the USA or need to enquire about trains times then try Amtrak. For bus routes there's Greyhound

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