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Distance Mileage Calculator - Measuring the Distance from Vienna Austria to Sopron Hungary

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Europe > Austria > Vienna Distance to Sopron in Hungary

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The approx distance between Vienna and Sopron in a straight line is 38 miles or 61.14 KMS problem? See the maps and links below for additional information related to driving distances, fuel costs and estimated journey times for this trip from Vienna to Sopron. Happy trails!!


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Vienna to Sopron Road Trip Information Tools


You can Click Here to calculate estimated drive times for this trip or Click Here to calculate the trip fuel cost from Vienna to Sopron using the map route values below along with your own MPG and fuel cost numbers.

These related links may also help for wider area enquiries Austria distances | Hungary distances | Maps for Vienna and Sopron | all Vienna distances | all Sopron distances

Maps and Directions for Vienna and Sopron Drving directions (click here to add a waypoint)

If no map is displayed? Click here for a map of Vienna, Eastern Austria (Vienna is in Wien Sopron is in Gyor - Moson - Sopron West Hungary)


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Distance Calculated from Vienna in Austria to Sopron in Hungary

Approx distance in miles from Vienna to Sopron is 38 miles or 61.14 KMS problem?

This page was designed to give you a good indication of the distance from Vienna to Sopron. Distances from Vienna to Sopron are a rough measure only showing the shortest distance as the crow flies, using longitudinal and latitudinal points. The Vienna maps link here gives driving directions and may be a better indicator of the distance between. Poor result? Please tell us if you think this is way off, our distances are only as good as the data we have on file :)

Travel considerations for a journey between Vienna and Sopron

By Road: If you were in a road vehicle maintaining an average speed of 40mph (64 kmh), it would take you approximately 1.16 hours to travel from Vienna to Sopron for an estimated driving distance of 46.36 miles (74.59 kms) . (see map below for precise driving times, directions and distance)

Average Speed Overall Estimated Drive time
40 mph 1.16 hours ( minutes) Sat Nav?
55 mph 0.84 hours ( minutes)
70 mph 0.66 hours (33 minutes)

By Train: If you were in a train that averaged 100mph (160.9 kmh) travelling non stop with no connections or changes it would take you around 0.4 hours to travel from Vienna to Sopron

By Air: If you were in a plane and maintained an average airspeed of 450 mph (724.1 kmh), your travelling time would be approximately 0.6 hours for Vienna to Sopron. (includes 30 mins ascent and descent time)

* All travel times are for illustrative purposes only and should not be relied upon as actual journey times. Coastal routes for example, are often much further when driven. Best estimates can be found further down the page with the maps and directions provided by Google. Do please check with your travel company for precise journey times between Vienna and Sopron. Train times assume non stop, air times include 30 minutes for take off and landing.

For driving distance directions and travel journey times try the new improved Google Maps integration

Also consider using a European Rail Pass - save money by buying train tickets for multiple countries!

Vienna to Sopron 38.37 miles. (scrollup for more info)

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Cities and Places nearest to Vienna
All Vienna Austria Distances - All Sopron Hungary Distances

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Places to stay in Vienna and Sopron There are hundreds of nice hotels, luxury, 5 star, 4 star, budget, cheap boarding houses, b and b's, guesthouses and other types of accommodation serving these areas, be it Hotels in Vienna or Sopron B&B there should be something that might just fit your needs. Happy travels :)

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Driving Distances between Vienna and Sopron
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